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io.restassured jar Download - How to Test REST APIs with Ease


How to Download io.restassured Jar

If you are working with REST APIs in Java, you might have heard of io.restassured jar. This is a library that simplifies the testing and validation of REST APIs by providing a DSL (domain-specific language) that is highly influenced by testing techniques used in dynamic languages such as Ruby and Groovy. In this article, we will show you how to download io.restassured jar and how to use it in your projects.

download io.restassured jar


Before you can download io.restassured jar, you need to have some prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Maven: This is a build tool that manages dependencies and project lifecycle. You can download it from .

  • Java: This is the programming language that io.restassured jar is written in. You need to have Java 8 or higher installed on your system. You can download it from .

  • IDE: This is an integrated development environment that helps you write, compile and run Java code. You can use any IDE of your choice, such as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, etc.

Downloading io.restassured Jar Using Maven

The easiest way to download io.restassured jar is to use Maven as your dependency management tool. All you need to do is add the following dependency in your pom.xml file:

<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>rest-assured</artifactId> <version>5.3.1</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency>

This will tell Maven to download io.restassured jar and its transitive dependencies, such as json-path, xml-path, hamcrest-all, etc., from the Maven Central Repository. You can find the latest version of io.restassured jar hereAfter adding the dependency, you need to update your project so that Maven can download the jar files. You can do this by right-clicking on your project in your IDE and selecting Maven -> Update Project. Alternatively, you can run the following command in your terminal:

mvn clean install

This will clean your project, install the dependencies and build your project.

Downloading io.restassured Jar Manually

If you don't want to use Maven, you can also download io.restassured jar manually from the official website. You can find the download link . You need to download the file, which contains the jar files and the source code. You can unzip the file and copy the jar files to a folder of your choice.

However, downloading io.restassured jar manually is not enough. You also need to download its dependencies, such as json-path, xml-path, hamcrest-all, etc., and add them to your project classpath. You can find the list of dependencies . You need to download each dependency and copy the jar files to the same folder as io.restassured jar.

How to download io.restassured jar file from GitHub

Download io.restassured jar with dependencies for Maven

Download io.restassured jar for Java API testing

Download io.restassured jar latest version 5.3.0

Download io.restassured jar for Spring Boot testing

Download io.restassured jar for Android testing

Download io.restassured jar for Selenium WebDriver testing

Download io.restassured jar for REST API automation

Download io.restassured jar for JSON and XML validation

Download io.restassured jar for BDD testing with Cucumber

Download io.restassured jar for OAuth 2.0 authentication

Download io.restassured jar for SOAP web service testing

Download io.restassured jar for JUnit 5 integration

Download io.restassured jar for TestNG integration

Download io.restassured jar for Hamcrest matchers

Download io.restassured jar for Groovy DSL support

Download io.restassured jar for multipart file upload testing

Download io.restassured jar for SSL certificate verification

Download io.restassured jar for logging and reporting

Download io.restassured jar for cookie and header handling

Download io.restassured jar for parameterization and data-driven testing

Download io.restassured jar for exception handling and retry logic

Download io.restassured jar for response time measurement and performance testing

Download io.restassured jar for schema validation with JSON Schema and XML Schema

Download io.restassured jar for mocking and stubbing with WireMock

Download io.restassured jar for specification reuse and request/response specification

Download io.restassured jar for custom filters and interceptors

Download io.restassured jar for Gherkin syntax support and Given/When/Then keywords

Download io.restassured jar for Serenity BDD framework integration

Download io.restassured jar for Karate DSL framework integration

Download io.restassured jar for Spock framework integration

Download io.restassured jar for REST Assured native DSL support

Download io.restassured jar for HTTP methods support (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, OPTIONS)

Download io.restassured jar for HTTP status codes support (200, 201, 400, 401, 404, 500, etc.)

Download io.restassured jar for HTTP content types support (application/json, application/xml, text/plain, etc.)

Download io.restassured jar for HTTP request and response body support (JSON, XML, String, File, InputStream, etc.)

Download io.restassured jar for HTTP query and path parameters support (name=value pairs)

Download io.restassured jar for HTTP form parameters support (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)

Download io.restassured jar for HTTP multipart form data support (multipart/form-data)

Download io.restassured jar for HTTP basic authentication support (username and password)

Download io.restassured jar for HTTP digest authentication support (username, password, realm, nonce, etc.)

Download io.restassured jar for HTTP bearer token authentication support (Authorization header with Bearer prefix)

Download io.restassured jar for HTTP proxy support (host, port, username, password)

Download io.restassured jar for HTTPS support (trust store, key store, certificates)

Download io.restassured jar for GZIP and deflate encoding support (Accept-Encoding header)

Download io.restassured jar for JSONPath and XmlPath support (extracting values from JSON and XML responses)

Download io.restassured jar for root path and base path support (setting the common path prefix for requests)

Download io.restassured jar for base URI and port support (setting the common URI and port prefix for requests)

After downloading all the jar files, you need to add them to your project classpath. This is a list of folders and files that tell your IDE where to find the classes and methods that you use in your code. You can do this by right-clicking on your project in your IDE and selecting Build Path -> Configure Build Path. Then, you need to click on Add External JARs and select all the jar files that you downloaded. This will add them to your project classpath and make them available for use.

Verifying the Download

To verify that you have successfully downloaded io.restassured jar and its dependencies, you can try to import some classes and methods from the library in your code. For example, you can try to import the following:

import io.restassured.RestAssured; import io.restassured.response.Response; import io.restassured.matcher.RestAssuredMatchers.*; import org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;

If you don't see any errors or warnings in your IDE, it means that you have successfully downloaded io.restassured jar and its dependencies and you are ready to use them in your projects.

How to Use io.restassured Jar

Now that you have downloaded io.restassured jar and its dependencies, you might be wondering how to use them in your projects. In this section, we will give you an overview of the main features and benefits of io.restassured jar and show you some examples of how to write test cases with it.

Setting Up REST-assured

The first thing you need to do before using io.restassured jar is to set up some basic configurations for your REST API testing. This includes setting up the base URI and port of your API, which are the common parts of every request that you make. You can do this by using the static methods of the RestAssured class, such as:

// Set the base URI of your API RestAssured.baseURI = " // Set the port of your API RestAssured.port = 8080;

You can also set other configurations, such as authentication, logging, proxy, etc., by using the RestAssured.config() method. For more details, you can refer to the .

Writing a Simple Test Case with REST-assured

To write a simple test case with REST-assured, you need to use the given-when-then syntax, which is inspired by BDD (behavior-driven development) frameworks such as Cucumber and JBehave. This syntax allows you to write test cases in a natural and readable way, using three main keywords:

  • given(): This is where you specify the preconditions of your test case, such as parameters, headers, cookies , etc., that you want to send with your request.

  • when(): This is where you specify the action of your test case, such as the HTTP method, the endpoint, the body, etc., that you want to perform with your request.

  • then(): This is where you specify the expected outcome of your test case, such as the status code, the response body, the headers, etc., that you want to verify with your response.

For example, let's say you want to write a simple test case that checks if you can get a list of users from your API. You can write it as follows:

// Import the necessary classes and methods import io.restassured.RestAssured; import io.restassured.response.Response; import io.restassured.matcher.RestAssuredMatchers.*; import org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; // Set the base URI and port of your API RestAssured.baseURI = " RestAssured.port = 8080; // Write the test case using given-when-then syntax given() // Specify the preconditions .param("page", 1) // Send a query parameter .header("Accept", "application/json") // Send a header .when() // Specify the action .get("/users") // Make a GET request to /users endpoint .then() // Specify the expected outcome .statusCode(200) // Verify that the status code is 200 .body("data.size()", Matchers.equalTo(10)) // Verify that the response body contains 10 users .body("data[0].name", Matchers.equalTo("John Doe")) // Verify that the first user's name is John Doe .header("Content-Type", "application/json"); // Verify that the response header contains Content-Type: application/json

As you can see, this test case is very easy to read and understand, and it covers all the aspects of testing a REST API. You can also chain multiple then() clauses to verify different aspects of your response.

Writing a More Complex Test Case with REST-assured

Sometimes, you might need to write a more complex test case that involves sending or receiving more data, such as parameters, headers, cookies, body, etc. In this case, you can use the RequestSpecification and ResponseSpecification interfaces to create reusable specifications that can be applied to multiple requests or responses. You can also use the JsonPath or XmlPath classes to extract and validate data from JSON or XML responses.

For example, let's say you want to write a test case that checks if you can create a new user in your API. You can write it as follows:

// Import the necessary classes and methods import io.restassured.RestAssured; import io.restassured.response.Response; import io.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification; import io.restassured.specification.ResponseSpecification; // Set the base URI and port of your API RestAssured.baseURI = " RestAssured.port = 8080; // Create a request specification that contains common data for all requests RequestSpecification requestSpec = given() .header("Content-Type", "application/json") // Send a header .cookie("session_id", "1234567890") // Send a cookie .log().all(); // Log all the details of the request // Create a response specification that contains common data for all responses ResponseSpecification responseSpec = then() .header("Content-Type", "application/json") // Verify that the response header contains Content-Type: application/json .log().all(); // Log all the details of the response // Write the test case using given-when-then syntax and applying the specifications given() // Specify the preconditions .spec(requestSpec) // Apply the request specification .body("\n" + // Send a JSON body " \"name\": \"Jane Doe\",\n" + " \"email\": \"\",\n" + " \"password\": \"secret\"\n" + "") .when() // Specify the action .post("/users") // Make a POST request to /users endpoint .then() // Specify the expected outcome .spec(responseSpec) // Apply the response specification .statusCode(201) // Verify that the status code is 201 .body("id", Matchers.notNull Value()) // Verify that the response body contains a non-null id .body("name", Matchers.equalTo("Jane Doe")) // Verify that the response body contains the name Jane Doe .body("email", Matchers.equalTo("")) // Verify that the response body contains the email .body("password", Matchers.nullValue()); // Verify that the response body does not contain the password // Extract and validate data from the response using JsonPath Response response = given() .spec(requestSpec) .get("/users/id", 1); // Make a GET request to /users/1 endpoint JsonPath jsonPath = response.jsonPath(); // Create a JsonPath object from the response int id = jsonPath.getInt("id"); // Extract the id from the response String name = jsonPath.getString("name"); // Extract the name from the response String email = jsonPath.getString("email"); // Extract the email from the response assertThat(id, Matchers.equalTo(1)); // Assert that the id is 1 assertThat(name, Matchers.equalTo("John Doe")); // Assert that the name is John Doe assertThat(email, Matchers.equalTo("")); // Assert that the email is

As you can see, this test case is more complex and involves sending and receiving more data, but it is still easy to read and understand, thanks to REST-assured's DSL and JsonPath's syntax. You can also use XmlPath to extract and validate data from XML responses.

Writing a Test Case with JSON Schema Validation

Another feature of REST-assured is that it allows you to validate that a JSON response conforms to a JSON schema, which is a way of describing the structure and format of JSON data. This can be useful when you want to check that your API returns consistent and valid data, without having to write multiple assertions for each field. To use this feature, you need to add another dependency in your pom.xml file:

<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>json-schema-validator</artifactId> <version>5.3.1</version> </dependency>

This will download the json-schema-validator module, which is a wrapper for the library. You also need to create a JSON schema file that defines the expected structure and format of your JSON response. For example, you can create a file called user-schema.json that looks like this:

"$schema": " "type": "object", "properties": "id": "type": "integer" , "name": "type": "string" , "email": "type": "string", "format": "email" , "required": ["id", "name", "email"]

This JSON schema defines that the JSON response should be an object with three properties: id, name, and email. The id should be an integer, the name should be a string, and the email should be a string with an email format. All three properties are required.

To use this JSON schema to validate your JSON response, you need to use the matchesJsonSchemaInClasspath() or matchesJsonSchema() methods from REST-assured. For example, you can write a test case like this:

// Import the necessary classes and methods import io.restassured.RestAssured; import io.restassured.response.Response; import static io.restassured.module.jsv.JsonSchemaValidator.*; // Set the base URI and port of your API RestAssured.baseURI = " RestAssured.port = 8080; // Write the test case using given-when-then syntax and JSON schema validation given() // Specify the preconditions .param("page", 1) // Send a query parameter .when() // Specify the action .get("/users") // Make a GET request to /users endpoint .then() // Specify the expected outcome .statusCode(200) // Verify that the status code is 200 .body(matchesJsonSchemaInClasspath("user-schema.json")); // Verify that the response body matches the JSON schema in the classpath

This test case will check if the response body matches the JSON schema that is stored in the classpath, which is the folder where your source code and resources are located. You can also use the matchesJsonSchema() method to pass a JSON schema as a string or a file.

Writing a Test Case with JSON Schema Validation

JSON schema validation is a powerful feature that can help you ensure that your API returns consistent and valid data. However, it is not always enough to check the structure and format of your JSON response. Sometimes, you might also want to check the values and logic of your JSON response, such as if a field contains a specific value, if a field is greater than another field, if a field is present or absent, etc. In this case, you can use the body() method from REST-assured to write more specific assertions using Hamcrest matchers.

Hamcrest matchers are a set of classes and methods that allow you to write expressive and readable assertions for different types of data, such as strings, numbers, collections, etc. You can use them with the body() method to access and verify different parts of your JSON response. For example, you can write a test case like this:

// Import the necessary classes and methods import io.restassured.RestAssured; import io.restassured.response.Response; import static io.restassured.module.jsv.JsonSchemaValidator.*; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; // Set the base URI and port of your API RestAssured.baseURI = " RestAssured.port = 8080; // Write the test case using given-when-then syntax, JSON schema validation and Hamcrest matchers given() // Specify the preconditions .param("page", 1) // Send a query parameter .when() // Specify the action .get("/users") // Make a GET request to /users endpoint .then() // Specify the expected outcome .statusCode(200) // Verify that the status code is 200 .body(matchesJsonSchemaInClasspath("user-schema.json")) // Verify that the response body matches the JSON schema in the classpath .body("data[0].id", equalTo(1)) // Verify that the first user's id is 1 .body("data[0].name", equalTo("John Doe")) // Verify that the first user's name is John Doe .body("data[0].email", equalTo("")) // Verify that the first user's email is .body("data[0].id", lessThan(10)) // Verify that the first user's id is less than 10 .body("data[0].name", notNullValue()) // Verify that the first user's name is not null .body("data[0].email", containsString("@")) // Verify that the first user's email contains "@" .body("data.size()", greaterThanOrEqualTo(10)); // Verify that the response body contains at least 10 users

As you can see, this test case uses Hamcrest matchers to write more specific assertions for different parts of the JSON response. You can use any Hamcrest matcher that suits your needs, such as equalTo(), lessThan(), notNullValue(), containsString(), greaterThanOrEqualTo(), etc. You can also combine multiple matchers using logical operators, such as and(), or(), not(), etc.


In this article, we have shown you how to download io.restassured jar and how to use it in your projects. We have also shown you how to write simple and complex test cases with REST-assured using given-when-then syntax, JSON schema validation and Hamcrest matchers. We hope that this article has helped you understand how to use REST-assured to simplify and improve your REST API testing.


Here are some frequently asked questions about io.restassured jar and their answers:

  • Q: What are the advantages of using REST-assured over other tools?

A: Some of the advantages of using REST-assured are:

  • It provides a DSL (domain-specific language) that is easy to read and write.

  • It supports both JSON and XML responses.


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